Supplements: Finding the Diamond in the Rough

The world of supplements is one of the most overwhelming areas for patients. There are many varieties and companies, making it hard to find the "Diamond in the rough." it's important to remember not all supplements are created equal.

I'm often asked "Can't I just buy my supplements on Amazon?" or "Aren't the Publix ones safe?" and the short answer is I don't know. It is impossible for me to know the efficacy of over the counter supplements as most don't disclose their validity and have never been tested. Therefore, I cannot, in good conscience, recommend them to my patients. Best case scenario they work, most likely case you have no idea if they work and worst case you are exposed to armful impurities including lead and arsenic (true story from actual patient..permission granted).

A few years ago, New York State Attorney General ordered major retail chains including Target, Walmart, Walgreens, and GNC to stop selling several herbal supplements found to be mislabeled and containing possibly harmful ingredients. Supplements tested were found to have just 21% of the supposed listed main ingredient.

At MyJourneyMD, we want you to achieve your goals. Because of this, we often compliment your treatment with supplements that are safe and contain active ingredients. We only recommend products from pharmaceudical grade suppliers that use scientifically validated laboratory testing and ongoing third party verification.

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